Friday, September 23, 2016

Third Grade Paper Bird Stop Animations!

Great way to start our new school year!  We are looking at birds and the natural world in 3rd grade art, and one of our first projects will be our seed art birds.  As a prelude, we've made these 3D paper birds, decorated with line and pattern, and we've created a paper animation for each third grade class!  Ask your student which bird is theirs~

Ms Hunninghake's Class video~

Ms Jacobs-Smith's class video~

Ms Moore's class video~


Friday, June 3, 2016

4th Grade Hunderwasser Clay Houses!

We really enjoyed Hunderwasser's architectural concepts, and the idea of building a small model of a house is appealing to just about everyone!  Imagine if you were an inch tall, what kind of sweet little abode would you want to live in?
Students made their roofs from a pinch pot, and then used a slab to create the body of the house, cutting windows and doors and adding texture to both before finally adding the glazes.  They were surprised at their resulting colors!

And the photos below are from our last 4th grade art project, a directed Abstraction with markers and oil pastels and watercolor.  The kids really enjoyed it!

Monday, May 2, 2016

4th Grade Hunderwasser Trees!

In 4th grade we've been looking at artist and Architect, Freidensreich Hundertwasser, whose name means "Peace Kingdom Hundred Waters" and whose architecture designs are among the most unique in the world.  He was a believer in keeping the world as green as possible and his designs always included ways to have trees, bushes and grass incorporated into his buidlings.
These collages are made from paintings the students created, and then cut in imitation of Hunderwasser's paintings.
These are all from Ms Schaefer and Ms Pape's Classes!  The rest will be coming out soon-

and a HUGE thank you to all those wonderful parents who came along to the Walker last week for our field trip!  We had a great time!
Alex F

Anna F

Annika W

Aziah G

Cooper P

Corrine M



Grady M

Henry G


Joey H

Jonny M

Julius J

Katie W

Kevin A

Matthew S

Matty P

Max A

Niya S

Noah D

Noah G 

Samuel G

Takiera S

Tommy W


Uma N

Will K