Friday, February 24, 2017

Photos from our 3rd Grade MIA Trip

Yesterday, Feb 23, we had our Third Grade trip to MIA to see selected works from the Native American collection, and everyone was just great!  The time always flies by so fast and the kids asked such great questions.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

3rd Grade Applehead Dolls!

We have been working really hard on our applehead dolls!  We started these by carving apples, stringing them on wire, dipping them into lemon juice and sprinking them all over thickly with salt and then dangling them over newspaper for a few weeks to dry and shrink. While they shrank, students twisted wire and fabric together and learned how to design and sew clothing for their figures.  Hair, eyes, hands and feet have all been added, and other accessories.

Students have been finishing up props and backgrounds and writing a tiny bio for their figures.  They will all be on display in the glass cases just outside the artroom by next week.  Come on up and take a look!  See if you can figure out their occupation before reading about it!
A Gardener

Two Blacksmiths at work

A Blue-Haired Astronomer

Keno, who loves the outdoors~

Stephen and Einstein have lunch together~

4th Grade Circus'!

We are working hard on our circus performers and acts in 4th grade-  after viewing Alexander Calder's "Cirque De Calder" and discussing six basic Simple Machines (lever, wheel and axel, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, and screw), students started planning and designing their own performers.  Go ahead and ask them to describe these machines to you!
Here's some photos of students learning how to use the tools and create their performers~