Hello all!
This week third graders have been thinking about birds and Seed Art, selecting a Minnesota bird from the list of birds I found on the FeederWatch Website! I am excited about being back in the Lower School again, and working with this great pile of creative and enthusiastic kids AND adults! I found this
great video on PBS about seed art, from the State Fair if you'd like to take a minute (or 8) to watch it! We also made paper line design birds which are now in the display case outside the art room, and we'll be starting on our Seed Art birds next time we meet!
And in Fourth grade we are researching trees, their shapes and structure, branches, leaves, and will be creating glue and chalk trees on black paper.
I am very happy to be in room 168 and would be delighted to see any of you if you are wandering around the school and want to pop by! I've made some changes to the space...