Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 22, Minnesota Seed Birds by 3-H

And here are our Seed Art Minnesota Birds by 3-H!  I also wanted to add a link to the Ed Emberly website because there are some great drawing PDFs and videos on there, and Ed Emberly's drawing books are some of my favorites!
And now, the birds!
Amelia, American Robin

Anika, Goldenwinged Warbler


Ballard, Yellow-Headed Blackbird

Bennett, Song Sparrow

Cole, Black-Backed Woodpecker

Egan, Swainson's Hawk

Elli V, Bluejay

Ellie Z, Orchard Oriel

Henry, Eastern Bluebird

James, SHarp-Shinned Hawk

Meredith, Vesper Sparrow

Miles, Black Billed Magpie

Peyton, Western Kingbird

October 22, MINNESOTA Seed Art Birds by 3-M!

Third graders in 3-M are finishing up their Minnesota Seed Art Birds!  Here's a peek at them!
Catherine, American Goldfinch

Chloe, Blue Grosbeak

Daisy Field Sparrow

Eloise, Barred Owl

Fletcher, Sand Hill Crane

Henry, Wood Thrush

Jack, Great Grey Owl

Kenzie, Blackburnian

Michael M, Red Tailed Hawk

Michael S, Kingfisher

Nelson, Swamp Sparrow

Ruby, Black Capped Chickadee

Sohana, Tufted Titmouse

Wyatt, Red Cross-Beak

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Week of October 7

We've been busy with our seed art in third grade, having traced a drawing onto our 8x8 inch panels.  The task at hand now is to determine which seeds most closely match our color copy of our Minnesota bird!
Each student has their own bird they are working with- no repeats at all! We use popsicle sticks to move the seeds into place and Elmer's glue to stick them down.   Great work so far!

Miles works on his magpie~

And in Fourth Grade, most of our glue and chalk trees are completed and will be hanging in the 3rd/4th Commons!  Keep an eye out for them!
The process was deliciously messy, using a variety of artist-quality soft pastels to blend colors inside the glue lines.
I am happily impressed with the abilities of our students!